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How to Start Working Out (Again)

Early in my personal training career, I remember seeing a fitness meme that said “If you’re tired of starting over, then stop quitting”.  I double tapped it, nodded my head, and said to myself “Why do people ever stop working out?!  Like, duh!  Just keep doing it!”  Living in an injury-free body, coming from a privileged background where I’d always had access to sports, drinking my expensive supplement-diluted drink out of my shaker bottle, I couldn’t understand why anyone would falter on their fitness journey.  

Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash

Fast forward through a few years, two major injuries, lots of therapy, acknowledging my disordered eating and compulsive exercises, and navigating a pandemic,  and now that I’m a bit less delusional about other people’s experiences and challenges, I’m here to tell you that:

  • Exercise is not the MOST important thing in the world

  • Fitness breaks happen because...LIFE

  • There’s no shame in returning to exercise, even if your body is different from when you last participated in it

As someone who has had to start my fitness journey over and help many others do the same, I want to talk about how to start working out, either again, or for the first time ever. 

Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

The First Workout Back

The first workout you do after a short or a long break from fitness can be tough.  Even the act of putting on that spandex can feel daunting!

Take it one step at a time and plan an “achievable” workout.  Maybe it means doing the 5 minute video you saved on Instagram and then perhaps clicking on the next suggested video.  That’s all good.  You’re moving, and that’s not nothing.  

Go Easy on Yourself.  You will be super mad at yourself if at your first workout you go crazy hard and injure yourself.  Every exercise has an easier/modified version and it is admirable to choose those options because it means you’re mature and wise enough to not let your ego run your life.

Try Different Fitness Flavors

The internet exists for us to be entertained by funny cats and also to try every different type of fitness there is out there.  There is no rule that says you can’t try an exercise just because you haven’t done it before or don’t know anyone else who’s already doing it.  Your fitness journey, your way.

Photo by Danielle Cerullo on Unsplash

Recovering from an Injury

Been there, hurt that.  Hire a physical therapist, or a personal trainer who’s knowledgeable about injuries, and ask for help working with what you’ve got going on.  Also, be patient, and remember this time, so that when you’re stronger you can look back and be grateful for what your body is able to do. 

That Voice in Your Head

No negative self talk.  You do NOT have time for that.  What you tell yourself ends up becoming your truth, so say nice things to yourself, counteract that negativity with a self-compliment (learn how here), and hi-five yourself.  

Photo by Rebeca Calavera on Unsplash

It’s Not All or Nothing

Life happens.  A Good Enough workout is better than the No Workout At All, and more common than the Best Workout Ever.  Be grateful for the movement you were able to do, and continue to show up for yourself.  

Starting to workout is different for everyone.  You’re gonna do it your way.  Don’t hesitate to ask professionals for advice, and remember not to compare yourself to others. 

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